This was such a good, good book! It made me want to have grown up in the early 40's and have sisters. I haven't wanted that in many years:-) I LOVED the war time love letters that were sent back and forth. In all it's wholesomeness, it still kept you guessing. It make me smile, laugh and want to cry. It was SO, SO good! Read it if you can!!!
Thanks for the recommendation! I'm putting it on hold at the library. I always like it when I can actually get my hands on the books people recommend.:-D
Okay, I'm back to tell you I just finished this book last night.:-D Thank you for the recommendation as I really fell in love with this book, the characters in it. I could see just why you said, "it made me want to have grown up in the early 40's and have sisters." It really grabbed me and I found myself on edge and saying in my head, "Oh please let Michael come home from the war! Please!" :-P But the ending...Oh man, Tessa, what did you think of the ending? Because I'm still trying to decide if I liked it or hated it. I want to like it because I loved the story so much I want to love the whole book! But...THE ENDING!!:-o
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