Championship softball game. We lost worse then we have all year! It was a FUN game though. It was a fun team to lose to, they were very good natured. Notice the puddle that Greg is standing in? It rained and rained before the game. Made things pretty muddy.

Here the wives are (well, some of them *Sarah Fellman*) We did such a good job cheering! The other team was kind of making fun of us we were cheering so loud and so much:-) It was fun though. We were in the dug out so as not to get wet. The sun did come out though at the end.

Here the wives are (well, some of them *Sarah Fellman*) We did such a good job cheering! The other team was kind of making fun of us we were cheering so loud and so much:-) It was fun though. We were in the dug out so as not to get wet. The sun did come out though at the end.

Matt's mom, sister (her kids) and his brother came to watch the last game. This is his brother, Chris. I was just taking some modeling pictures of him:-) It was a fun night!
This is Macy, our neice! She's a cutie..

Am I not a wife of one of those softball players?!? I do believe my man was the one that did score the one and only point that game.
Who is this? Raychel or Emily?? I don't remember who scored that one point we did get!:-D I was just teasing Sarah F cause she was all about being at the game and fb'd everyone:-)
Its Raychel the wife of the best player of course!
Ah, yes! I should have known! I thought is was Raychel:-D It was strange not having everyone there, it was strange not even being on the right field! :-)
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