{Witnessing the Miracle of Life}
This is my good friend, Sarah... here she is 41 weeks and one day (eight days over due) pregnant. She invited me to go with her to her ultrasound and check up on Friday. I was thrilled to go and be a part of it, see the ultrasound at nine months. She had the ultrasound first and then this app for a check up about thirty mins later. They told her they wanted to induce her right now. They wanted her to go upstares. She wanted to go home and get her stuff, and they wouldn't let her. Her amniotic fluid was border line low. So we went up and then I went to get Terry - the daddy. I drove because my car was warmed up, we have to think of those things here in Minnesota. Either one of us ever expected to be staying any longer then the app would take.
She was getting tired of being away from mom and cold..
Protective hand of daddy. It was so precious, she calmed right down when he had both hands on her soothing her... she knew who he was!
"And now they're getting me wet and washing me!" But, look at that pretty hair and those rosie cheeks!
Oh! And I forgot to mention, I got to cut the umbilical cord! Terry didn't want to have anything to do with it and then she asked me if I wanted to. I said, "sure", of course I would say that. What a awesome thing to be a part of. And some say there is no God... they are FOOLS!
How sweet!! Her little lips are like a rose bud. What a blessing to witness!
OHHHHH!! What a blessing! I'm memorizing Psalm 100 this week. v.3 says, "Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His, we are His people, the sheep of His pasture." v. 5 "For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations."
Oh Tessa! What an opportunity! I am so jealous of you! I love witnessing the miracle of birth. It has been so long since I've been able to do that. I believe you will treasure that for the rest of your life. And you got to cut the cord! How cool!
What an amazing experience to be there for the birth! The baby is beautiful. Congrats to all :)
WOW! Very cool! I have to admit that I got a little chocked up reading this one. How awesome to have been invited and welcomed to witness such an amazing day! You must be a great friend! And that baby girl is so precious =)
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