It's a WoNdErFuL life...
It's MY life...

The man and his fish. He was up at the lake w/ his daddy for the weekend

My daddy w/ a really amazing (I guess..?) Jon Deer. He was impressed and it was pretty:)

We found this Yamaka at a garage sale. Why did she have one? Why was she selling it at a garage sale? We had fun w/ it....

Oliver is actually Jewish. And isn't he stunning!?

Dad camping, helping make lunch, sweet corn!

Chilling w/ the family. Tim adjusting his Yamaka...

up close..

more chillin'... Ollie is a good camping. Matt took him on lots of walks down by the river where Oliver had a great time.

Knitting lesson! Sisters. These two are always having a pretty good time and it makes me wish (however only slightly) that I had a sister. I have pretty great "sister-in-laws" though.
Becky wants to be prepared for old age and know how to knit. Interesting way to look at it:)