This is the question....

To have kids now, or not. It's so like me to blog about this and not just keep it to myself and be privet about it. I am starting to feel like with Matt going back to school we aren't going anywhere, we're "stuck" here and are now officially "tided down" so why not? The other part of me thinks I don't need the stress of that too! However, I told Matt "if that happens right now, that would look like nothing in the grand scheme of everything else going on in our lives." I did also think that I do not want to have kids when Matt in school. But.... you can work a school schedule around a kid more then a job schedule! it's all going to be so much work now, why not add this too, start it and get it over with:) The more I think about it, the more I don't want to wait till I'm 32 to have kids... We could be done having kids by then..
Ahhh. And here I am going back and forth... making plans according to what little I can see. The LORD is probably giggling at me as I write this thinking "she has plans, and no idea what I have planed for them!" We shall see..
Brady is proof that everything happens in God's time. Then it's perfect!
I think you hit it on the head in that last paragraph. Ask God - He's the only one who knows!
Your dad says if you get pregnant, we're selling the farm and moving to California!! ;) I didn't ask him to explain. Can you take your anti- depressant while pregnant?
Oh, this is a hard one. The practical side says, wait until you are done with school and settled. Being financially stable with children is so much less stressful. It opened doors for us like me being able to be a stay at home mom without the student loan people coming after us.
Then the other side says, seriously do you ever get to a point where finances and life are in perfect alignment? Are we trusting God to provide if we wait until "we" have everything in what we see as order?
In the end I would have to agree with That Girl. Pray, pray, pray and ask God for discernment. His timing is always perfect (I may not think so at the moment, but in hindsight I see His plans are so much better than anything I could come up with.) We have a six year gap between our last two, and on the surface it seems like we "should" have had him sooner. Yet, I know having Bubby while we were in DC was God's way of getting my husband through that experience.
Sorry to leave a book, I will be praying for you. . .along with that money tree thing!
Thinking of having a baby?!? That's cool! My question is how much stress is before having to much stress? Being pregnant brings on all kinds of hormones that could make things more crazy. I'm sure you will find an answer and make the best decision for you! Love ya!
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