This is my grandma and my dad when he was little. If you look closely, my dad is making a funny face - a face that looks just like my brother Tyler!

This is my grandma when she was about collage age I believe. She was a brown eyed beauty! She always had great thick hair, and I wished I'd inherited it. My mom has had a great time looking through all the old photos. She scanned a lot of them for the grandkids. I didn't have as much time to go through all of them so I'm very glad she did that for us:)

My grandma was also up to date and very stylish. She always looked so sharp and cute! When I was about 17 I even borrowed a shirt from her. That's how cool and up to date she was all her life! How many people can say the wanted to wear something at age 17 that their grandma was currently wearing!?
My grandma was so unselfish. I didn't even realize how unselfish until this past week that I've really been thinking a lot about her. She always asked about how we were doing, what we were doing, and she meant it. Never did she ask just to be nice. She always cared. She always asked about and talked to my husband and the boys girlfriends as if they were her own grandchildren. She never talked about herself and if she did it was always positive and it was almost always about how blessed she was. All along she was a huge blessing to others! This is a way I want to be more like my grandma.
She was simple. I think that's really how God wants us to live. She did not get wrapped up in money or things. Those were just things she had to deal with in this life. That makes me realize even more how heavenly minded she was. She knew she'd leave this earth someday and wouldn't be taking anything with her. What a great hope we have in that! What a great hope we have to know we will meet Jesus face to face and we won't need anything but him!?
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