So I got this scale at a garage sale for $3! It's an old baby scale from a Dr office... 50's maybe..? Very cute. It didn't have a price and when I asked I figured they'd want at least $20.
So last night I was using it for some baby photos of Addie. I forgot my big flash at home and that would have helped I feel, because it was later at night. Addie was hungry and didn't give us too much time. BUT, in her defense, she did really, really well for being hungry and we just kept torturing her!

I feel like there cute, but missing something... I don't know what it is. I feel like maybe it'd be fun to do the pictures out in the grass... or in a field w/ some tall grass...? She's a good sleeper I guess so we may have to do some more practice before she gets too big for my scale:) Tell me what you'd want to see or do different. What do you like about the pictures, and what don't you like? I just feel like there's something missing.... maybe I just think that way cause they're mine, but I do think somethings missing...
cute pics tessa! i've seen some like this done with a white back drop. you could try that and see what you think! also maybe on a stomach position? just a few thoughts. :)
I think that the scale has great potential! It is a great prop! And will of course need to be used on the newest lil boy in my life once he comes :-)
Not something missing...too much clothes, she needs to be in a cloth diaper or a white onesie.
I will also need a picture like this when our little one gets here :) Your photography skills are amazing and continue to get more and more impressive.
I agree with Jody. Or if you have her in clothes make it a solid with no pattern. LOVE the scale, lots of potential.
I saw 2 women on TV who do these kinds of baby shots. 3 things they said were...
1. really warm room
2. feed the baby first so she sleeps
3. shoot them really young so you can arrange their little arms and legs. Like just a couple days old.
I completely agree with Jody. No clothes or just a diaper on the little babe. The middle black and white is perfect with lighting and backdrop. I can't wait to see more of your pictures, you are so talented.
I think this is a great idea for a picture...I love it! It is even better than the pictures I see with a newborn on a stack of towels (which I think is absolutely adorable). I think the pictures ARE good the way they are, but if you wanted to try another location, maybe on an antique table with an old-looking jar of cotton balls sitting by? Just an idea...
Oh, & the baby in just a cloth diaper would be a nice touch also, or even a diaper with a tiny white frilly dress (you know, those dresses babies used to wear when we were kids, they are short, more like a shirt?) and a little bow on her head.
Have fun! You should post more pictures if you choose to take more. She's a cutie!
(a Cjane reader)
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