Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hot Dogs & Skunks!

The beautiful roses my husband got for me! He is such a great man... I am blessed!

Callie as a lady bug! And if any of you might think about telling us that she shouldn't' be dressed up because she's not a "human being" then you can just go jump in a lake - because she's CUTE! She was soo, sooo good too:-)

Are you scared!? Kevin w/ sideburns.

Quilon the hot dog! He was so cute. Sarah though he was getting too hot so she took him out of it for a break while he was there:-)

Ike the skunk! His lil skunk butt had a heart that said "lil stinker" inside it. He was so cute..

He loved shaking him little tale! If you want to see more of these cute little men, their mom has a blog, read it!

Kevin showing that he WOULD be a good dad! lol..

Sarah just WOULD be a good mom! Not any time soon though! For now, we love other ppl's kids:-)

That was our Halloween night! We had a good time. Sarah make yummy soup and then we went over to Abby and Andy's and had more soup (she made three batches!) and watched a movie. Andy has some amazing surround sound! It was a really nice evening.

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Anonymous said...

If i did say that Callie couldn't be dressed up, I don't have a lake to go jump into. The river we have isn't even really a river...there's no water in it, so what would you have me do???? She's cute in the outfit and I don't mind if it's just for special occasions. Oh the joy of gatherings, how I miss all of you! We'll have to have a big one when I come back :)

Raychel Marie said...

I do believe that you forgot to mention how great that husband of yours was with that skunk and hot dog. He WOULD make a great dad!!!